Here are some of our frequently asked questions. If you need assistance, please feel free to contact us at 407-786-5525 or use the Contact tab in the navigation to send us a message. Our usual response time is within 24 hours.
What is Real Estate SWAT School? – This course is a video-based, productivity program. Dan Elzer, President of The Training Academy delivers impactful content in an 8 week, spaced-learning format. In just eight weeks, Real Estate SWAT School will arm you with the full complement of skills and strategies you need to generate listing opportunities, handle difficult prospects and close more deals.
Who Should Take the Course? – Real Estate SWAT School is designed for both experienced and new agents. It is a step by step system to build a successful and profitable real estate business. We encourage you to read the reviews on the registration page underneath Dan’s video. The reviews come from agents with many years of experience as well as some who are brand new to the business. Real Estate SWAT School has made a positive impact on their business in different ways and we think you will enjoy reading their stories.
Timing of the Course:
- This is a spaced learning program with pre-programed timing.
- You can start the course at any time up to a year from the date of purchase.
- Once you move passed the Welcome Video, the course timing is activated.
- There are 8 Sessions. Each session contains several lesson videos with one Session available every seven (7) days.
- You have 10 weeks to complete the course.
- Once you reach Session 8, if you need more time, a 3-week extension is available for $39.
Q. Can you re-set my start date? – We cannot reset the start date. Once you mark the Welcome video complete, your timer starts and sessions become accessible every 7 days. You have 10 weeks to complete the 8 weeks of material.
Q. I marked everything complete but I still can’t access the next Session – Double check that everything in your current session is marked “complete.” Then, remember you must wait a full 7 days before you can access the next session. Use this time to re-watch the videos, practice the talk-tracks, understand the flow of the strategies and work on your assignment. Don’t forget to meet with your Accountability Partner before you start the next Session.
Q. Can you take the timing off for me? – We cannot change the timing of the Sessions. The timing is built into the learning management system. Most people could get through the material faster if it weren’t timed. The spaced learning format is more about the time allowed to create productive, money-making habits vs. absorbing the information. The time you invest will definitely be worth it.
Expiration Date
Q. Where can I find out my Expiration Date? – Your Course Progress and Expiration Date are displayed on the My Account page. The My Account tab is in the navigation at the top of the page.
Q. What if 10 weeks isn’t enough to finish the course? If you have not yet started Session 8 and your course expires in less than 7 days you will need to purchase an extension to finish the course. The extension is available for $39. It will add 3 weeks to your access from the date you purchase the extension. We recommend that you do not purchase the extension until you start Session 8 as the additional 3 weeks is calculated from the date of purchasing the extension vs. your original expiration date. You will find the link to purchase the extension on your My Account page.
Q. My Access expired and I want to review – The Real Estate SWAT School course is not a video library. Like most courses, your access to the lesson videos will end once the course is over. However, each of the lessons has a multi-page fill-in the blank handout that you print and fill in as you watch the videos. You keep these in a binder and they become your sales manual. These worksheets follow exactly the video lessons so that you can always refer back to them. In addition, most sessions have additional downloads with extra collateral you also keep. You are given an option towards the end of the 10 weeks to get an extension for $39.
Re-Taking the Course
Q. How can I retake the course? – Yes, you can. Many people tell us they were never more productive then while they were taking SWAT and they would like another shot in the arm to boost their productivity. Right now, there is not an option to log in with your current credentials and retake the course. We are working on a solution that will seamlessly allow users to retake the course. In the meantime, please call us and we can assist you.